Child Care Provider Professional Development Series
Date and Time
Tuesday Apr 22, 2025
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM CDT
Child care providers will be treated to a delicious meal from 6 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., with the formal workshop beginning at 6:30 p.m.
The Rose Garden Banquet Hall & Catering
2350 E 8th St.
RSVPS are requested by Friday, April 18th so we can give our headcount to the venue. You can register by calling The Chamber at (785) 628-8201, emailing us at, or by clicking the registration link.
Contact Information
Sarah Wasinger, President/CEO - The Chamber in Hays, Kansas
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All area child care providers are welcome to attend the FREE Child Care Provider Quarterly Professional Development Series. Attendees will receive credit towards annual recertification requirements.
Speaker: Lyle Pantle, Ellis County Emergency Manager
Topic: Emergency Preparedness for Child Care Providers
Child Care providers are required to have an emergency preparedness plan to maintain their licensure. Join the Child Care Task Force of Ellis County and The Chamber in Hays, Kansas to gain resources that are helpful for navigating emergency situations. Facilitator Lyle Pantle will run attendees through a table top exercise mirroring an emergency event so providers can learn first hand how to respond during an emergency. Guests will also be able to have their questions answered that evening. All attendees will receive access to a county-wide crisis response handbook that can be customized to fit each individualized in home provider or center's childcare business.
We are also pleased to offer FREE fingerprinting services at this event from 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. Preference will be given to child care providers and their spouses whose fingerprints expire within 45 - 60 days of each event.
There will also be a prize drawing for attendees that evening. This is a wonderful opportunity for child care providers to connect with fellow professionals and build strong networks. will facilitate a table top exercise to run through an emergency situation as well as answer questions and assist providers with running through emergency
A special thank you to the Robert E. & Patricia A. Schmidt Foundation for their sponsorship of this series!